There are a variety of wallpaper decorating ideas you can use in your home. Gone are the days when wallpaper was reserved for your walls alone. It is easy to take your favorite wallpaper or a leftover piece and put it center stage on the back of your stairs or shelves to add unique style and personality to your decor. This is an easy way to infuse a little more color and patten into your space without committing to an entire wallpapered wall.
Wallpaper Stairs
If you have stairs with no carpet, this is the perfect decorating idea that will add some serious fun and style to your home.
- Measure and cut your wallpaper to size.
- Apply with heavy duty double stick tape or spray adhesive. You don't need to use wallpaper paste for this one. A good adhesive will work just fine.
- Use a poly-acrylic sealer over the top of the paper to make sure it stands up to the the wear and tear of all those feet.
This easy project will have you telling all your guests to "come on up."
Wallpaper Shelves
Here is an easy wallpaper decorating idea that will add a fun pop of color and pattern to any space. Try adding a great patterned paper to the back of a shelf or cabinet. You don't even need to use real wallpaper for this one. Any quality craft or wrapping paper will work great as well.
1. Measure and cut your paper to size.
2. Apply your paper to back of the shelf using strong double stick tape.
It's that easy to take furniture you already have to the next level. This simple addition of paper can really make a big impact in any space.
There are a variety of wallpaper decorating ideas you can use in your home. Gone are the days when wallpaper was reserved for your walls alone. It's easy to take your favorite wallpaper or a leftover piece and put it center stage on a dresser front or as a headboard to create a unique piece that is full of style and personality.
Wallpaper Dresser
Wallpaper is a great way to bring new life to an old dresser. This is a simple project that requires no wallpaper paste!
- Measure the drawer fronts, and cut your wallpaper to size. It's a good idea to cut the paper slightly larger than what you need. You can trim any excess off after you are done. Play with the positioning of the paper so that the pattern flows together nicely.
- Remove the pulls/knobs and take each drawer out.
- Spray the fronts with spray adhesive and carefully apply the wallpaper, smoothing as you go to remove any air pockets or bumps.
- For extra protection apply a coat of poly-acrylic sealer over the top.
- Reattach the pulls/knobs or buy new ones to go with the new look.
That's all it takes to give a plain dresser some new life and style.
Wallpaper Headboard
Use your favorite patterned wallpaper to create a unique, stylish, and affordable headboard. This wallpaper decorating idea takes a little prepping and work, but the outcome is fantastic.
- Roll out the wallpaper to your desired headboard width.
- Trace and cut out the pattern you want for the top of the headboard.
- Apply the wallpaper according to instructions. The application method will depend on which type of paper you have. Some require wallpaper paste, and others are pre-pasted. Start applying the top of the headboard pattern and work your way down, carefully placing each piece to flow seamlessly with the next.
This project is much easier with two people, so find a friend to help you create a show-stopping wallpaper headboard.